Monday, July 12, 2010

Eve's Night

Every half a year our YF we have a special event called Eve/Adam's Night. During June, we had our annual Eve's Night. It was a night where the guys had to serve the girls for a night.


Here are the photos of the event:


The chairman of the night was Bro Wen Feng. He organised a series of fun and games for us that night.


The first game was what we call the Big Mouth World Cup. The girls will choose a guy to be their goals and they have to "shoot" in nuts into the "goals" to obtain points. Girl with the highest points wins the game.






















The final winner was Jacy who scored a lot of points. So sorry the event was long passed that we forgot the points. But it was a lot of points. LOL~



The second game was Charades. The guys will act out an action while the girls will raise their hands to win a chance to answer. The girl who answered most correct wins the final prize.







The winner for this game was Siew Tin who answered more questions than anyone of us.



That night all girls were pampered well with gifts...

Kit Kat

And mask ^^


After all that we had a mini birthday celebration to celebrate birthdays of April, May and June babies before ending our youth fellowship that night.





Can't wait for Adam's Night by the end of this year. Care to join us?


For more info, check out our FB page at